sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2008


Aconite has a specific and singularly marked action on the serous membranes and on the muscular tissues.
We think of Aconite, therefore, when sudden inflammation, very violent in character, arises, and especially if it is caused by exposure to dry cold air, either in a dry cold room or by a draught of air, whereby perspiration or the insensible exhalations of the body are suddenly suppressed, and a violent chill is the consequence. In chronic cases, when the cause of the disease can be distinctly traced to such a source, even if years have intervened. Among chronic affections arising from this cause, are coughs, catarrhs, spitting of blood, pain in the chest, heart disease, etc., etc.
The genius of this highly useful remedy is through the mental sphere, and it is always important to consider the mental symptoms. Almost certainly this remedy should never be given in cases where the sickness or suffering is borne with calmness and patience. On the contrary, if Aconite is to be even thought of, we will find mental uneasiness, worry, or fear, accompanying a most trivial ailment, such as inflammation of the eyelids. And the more thoroughly this state of the mind exists, the more surely will Aconite be indicated. Great and uncontrollable anguish, anxiety, and great fear, are characteristic of the Aconite disease.
In nervous states with much fear, accompanied by weakness and want of appetite; great fear; afraid to go out of the house; fear of a crowd; fear that he will not recover, and predicts the expected day of his death,--is very characteristic. Complaints caused by fright and the fear remains.
It has much sensitive irritability, and sadness with fear. Fitful moods; now very cheerful and happy, singing, laughing, and talking in great glee; then sadness and fear, despondency and gloom.
In the delirium is unhappiness, worry, despair and raving, with expression of fear upon the countenance; but there is rarely unconsciousness.
Head excessively hot. Sensation as if everything would push out at the forehead. Vertigo on assuming an upright position, whether rising from the bed or a chair, and is afraid to rise again. (Opium has this symptom, and Nux vomica has it on rising from a chair: but neither of these have the mental symptoms.) Headache, burning, as though the brain were moved by boiling water. Terrible pain at the root of the nose, with much disturbance of the mind; he is afraid to go out of the house; is afraid something is going to happen. Sensation as if the hair were standing on end all over the head. Vertigo increased by shaking the head, with inclination to fall to the right side; staggering to the right.
Great aversion to light, or a strong desire for it. Sufferings from foreign bodies, as speck of dust or iron; the eye feels very sore, is painful and inflamed.
Red and hard swelling of the eyelids, the edges looking red and sore; are very sensitive and painful. This state of his eyes worries and troubles him exceedingly; cannot attend to his business because of it. Profuse lachrymation with intense pain.
Cannot bear the reflection of the sun from the snow; on going out after fresh fall of snow, the reflection from the sun shining thereon causes specks, sparks, and scintillations to dance before the eyes. Eyeballs feel painfully dry, and the pressure of the lids hurts them. Purulent ophthalmia if there is redness, inflammation, and great sensitiveness.
Hearing very sensitive; noise and music trouble and worry the patient.
Bleeding of the nose, especially in young, plethoric persons, where the flow is very abundant. Dry coryza, with headache, roaring in the ears. Fluent coryza, frequent sneezing, dropping of a clear hot water.
Very red, and feels as if it had grown much larger; red while lying down, but after rising up, pale; redness of one cheek, paleness of the other; red and pale cheeks alternately. Tingling sensation of the face; it is so red it tingles. Tingling sensations are exceedingly characteristic.
Toothache of a throbbing character, particularly from an exposure to dry cold air, causing much restlessness.
Dry; tongue and fauces dry, with a peculiar tingling on the tip of the tongue and edges of the lips. Tingling of the œsophagus and fauces, and on looking into the throat we find it very red. Tingling when coughing and swallowing. Uvula feels elongated and coming in contact with tongue.
Everything tastes bitter, except water: and there is a desire to take a great deal of this, because it tastes good; everything else seems bitter. Burning, unquenchable thirst.
Vomiting, with nausea and thirst. He drinks, vomits, knows be is going to die, and is in great anguish. (See Fever.)
Pressure in the pit of the stomach as if a large stone were there.
Burning sensation in the throat, in the stomach, extending from the pit of the stomach up to the tip of the tongue, with tingling of the tongue, lips, fingers, and along the spine, and tingling in various parts of the body. Much bitter vomiting; vomiting of bile, with great fear; there may be a cold sweat, which is more the result of fear than anything else. Vomiting seems to pour out as from a pump, in great profusion, deluging everything.
Inflammation of the peritoneum, accompanied by restlessness, sleeplessness, thirst, and sharp shooting pains, and the abdomen is tender to the touch. Inflammation of the bowels, with tearing and burning pains, restlessness, thirst, fever, dry hot skin, and diarrhœa. Incarcerated hernia, with bitter taste, bilious vomiting, restlessness, fear of death.
These conditions may arise suddenly, when Aconite will be strongly indicated. Great fear and dread will also characterize the case. Pure inflammatory dysentery, with the peculiar mental and physical symptoms, is rapidly relieved by Aconite.
Pure inflammatory dysentery; or diarrhœa with watery, brown, and bilious stools, accompanied in either case by dry hot skin, thirst, restlessness, and fear.
If a child is suffering from a watery diarrhœa, crying and complaining very much, biting his fists, and is sleepless, Aconite will usually cure in a short time.
In diseases of childhood, dentition, disturbances of the alimentary canal with cerebral complications, where there is great restlessness, not a position that is satisfactory; they cry, complain, toss about, knock their heads, put their hands to the part that hurts them most, often call for mamma, and exhibit signs of fear and great unhappiness.
Scanty, red, and hot urine, arising from taking cold, especially in children; suppression of, from cold. The child screams and appears to be in great pain, because it cannot urinate. Aconite will ease the pain, quiet the child, and the urine will flow some time after. Heat and profuse perspiration, often accompanied by increased micturition.
In males, bruised pain in the testicles, arising from exposure to dry cold air.
In females, after-pains are very severe, with great fear and restlessness. In milk fever, when the milk does not flow, and the breasts are hard and swollen, accompanied by the same mental conditions. Puerperal peritonitis, where there are darting, shooting pains, restlessness, fever, great fear and anguish.
Suppressed menses, resulting from fright, fear, or vexation, or chill in dry cold air, particularly in young and plethoric females.
Croupy-sounding cough, particularly after falling to sleep. The patient is disturbed in hie sleep by the cough, which almost awakens him; he turns over, and as soon as he is fairly settled down to sleep again, the cough recommences, and so continually repeats itself. Croupy cough, resulting from an exposure to dry cold air, with restlessness and an uncomfortable state of the mind. Short, dry, titillating cough, every inspiration seeming to increase the cough is very characteristic. Cough with no expectoration.
Expectoration of bloody mucus with the cough. There is almost always a tingling sensation in the chest after coughing. There may be stitches in the chest and side, which are often so severe as to interfere considerably with respiration; can only get "half-inch" respirations. We sometimes find this in the worst cases of pleurisy; also the restlessness, fever, thirst., and fear. Sometimes there is an oppression of the chest without pain, which keeps one from taking a deep breath; something seems to catch the breath and stop it.
In hæmorrhage the blood comes with great ease by hemming and hawking; it comes in great quantity, and of a pure, bright, red quality; the hæmorrhage is often brought on by a little exercise, or by being in the cold dry air, or in a cold dry room; hæmorrhage is attended by a great fear of death.
Aconite cures some cases of heart disease, chiefly when the cause can be traced to an exposure to dry cold air. Palpitation of the heart, with great anguish.
Constant pressure in the left chest; oppressed breathing on the least motion; frequent stitches at the heart, and tendency to congestion of the head.
Much tingling in the back and in the fingers, particularly while writing. Numbness of the left arm, so that the hand can hardly be moved.
Hard, full, and frequent pulse, sometimes intermitting; sometimes slow and thread-like, with heat, restlessness, thirst for great quantities of water, etc., etc. Even in intermittent fever, with mental excitement and fear of death. It is sometimes useful when there is a sensation of coldness in the blood vessels, and a peculiar shuddering sensation running from the feet to the chest in paroxysms. Sensation of great heat, with a cold clammy sweat; cannot bear to be covered. Great thirst, and though cannot retain fluids in the stomach, yet will always drink; then up it comes as from a pump, all up and out in a very short time, even before a basin or anything can be procured. In the heat of Aconite there is much agony and tossing: feels very hot and wants great amount of cold drink.
Erysipelatous inflammations; miliary eruptions: red fiend rash, which is very thick and causes great restlessness; this rash reappears every night.
This remedy is frequently indicated where there is a great and sudden sinking of the strength, but with no alarm. Jerking and twitching of parts, also unconsciousness, contra-indicate Acon.
Burning of the internal parts, with the concomitant symptoms.
Tingling of the fingers, œsophagus,. cheeks, back, tongue and lips. Painful sensitiveness of any part of the body; does not wish to be touched on account of this sensitiveness; of course he will be irritable, and fearful of any one approaching him.
Great sleeplessness, restlessness, and constant tossing.
Sometimes a patient is suddenly attacked with great oppression of breathing, accompanied by great agony, so that he must sit straight up in bed; his pulse thread-like, and he is very sad; these attacks usually occur in the night.
Active hæmorrhage from any part of the body, uterine or any other, accompanied with fear of death, and nervous excitability.
In the evening; in the night; cannot lie on the left side in affections of the chest; worse when rising and when in a warm room. From music; from fear; during inspiration; when giddy; lying on side.
In the open air and sometimes when sitting still.
Arnica, Bellad., Bryon., Canthar., Mercur., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur.



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