sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2008


We find this remedy particularly adapted to the real leucophlegmatic constitution--where we find a large head, large features, pale skin with a chalky look, and (in infants) open fontanelles.
Right eye; face, right side; right abdominal ring; sexual organs, right side, forearm. Inguinal glands often become swollen; left side of the neck and nape of the neck; left chest; left lower extremity. Right side of the back; right upper extremity. General symptoms, right. Light haired people; pale face.
Peevishness; dizziness of mind; feels as if she will go crazy; melancholy; desire to weep. Fearful apprehensions--of death, of forthcoming sad events, misery, etc.
External, right side. All symptoms worse on ascending, such as vertigo, peculiar headache, etc. Headache of various kinds; lancinating pains in; icy coldness of; jerks and shocks in; as if pressed or pushed asunder; as if it would split. Arising from nape. Scalp; scaling off; dandruff; milk crust. Profuse perspiration of the head, particularly where it stands out in large, bead-like drops, and in such profusion, as to soak the pillow thoroughly; it may run down upon the face and neck.
Eyeballs; injected; cornea, as little white ulcers on the cornea, etc.; eyes water; eyelids, particularly lower eyelids; external angles of the eyes; constant mist before the eyes; dimsightedness; pupils dilated. As if a little foreign body were in. Dancing wavelets of light. Itching of. Can't see well, or use eyes comfortably by gaslight.
Affections of the internal ears; noises in the ears in general; when swallowing, noise in; cracking in when chewing; hard hearing; deafness.
Internal nose; bleeding of the nose; smelling is feeble; imaginary smells; polypus; nasal secretion with bad smell; purulent nasal secretion; stoppage of.
Upper gums; teeth can't bear any cold; cold wind striking the body, immediately runs to the teeth, causing them to ache; thirst. Taste bad, sour, bitter. Ranula.
Uvula dark red and covered with blisters; saliva; hawking.
The region over the stomach is swollen and looks like a saucer turned bottom up; hunger; extreme hunger; vomiting of sour matter; affections of inner region of the stomach; heartburn; milk disagrees. Sleepy after supper; nausea in morning.
Pains in heart and region of the heart; palpitation of the heart; palpitation of the heart with anguish; trembling pulsation of the heart.
Stool and Rectum
Obstructed evacuation; stool with ascarides; with tape-worm. Affections of the rectum, as fissures, which are very painful, bleeding after every stool, followed by extreme exhaustion; burning.
Male: Complaints from coition; nocturnal pollutions.
Female: Affections of the vagina; discharge of blood before the proper period; metrorrhagia; menstruation too early; too profuse; complaints before menstruation. Leucorrhœa in general; burning; itching; milk-like. Amenorrhœa. Too scanty flow of milk. Nipples cracked; ulcerated; very tender to touch.
Cough in general; with expectoration; expectoration, mucous, purulent, yellow, sour taste, offensive smell.
Joints in general; hand; shoulder; wrist; finger; of the leg in general, especially hip-joint; cramp pain in; darting in; weakness of.
Shin-bones; darting in; pricking in. Bending of; softening, swelling.
Can't bear tight clothing around; stitches in liver during or after stooping. Flatulency or gurgling in the right hypochondrium.
Bloatedness of; paleness of; dryness of; exanthema in general, dry, in blotches, like milk crust, like nettle-rash, scurfy. Flaccidity of; chapping; chapping after washing; sensibility of in general; tetters in general; furfuraceous, scurfy; deep ulcers; fistulous ulcers; ulcers with too little pus.
As if the parts would burst; were pressed, or pushed asunder; as if cold, damp stockings were on the feet; of crepitation; cramp pain in the muscles; creeping on the limbs like a mouse; cutting pain, and pain as if sprained in outer, or inner parts; griping with sense of tearing away; jerking pain in outer parts; knocking in outer, or inner parts; pricking (darting) in outer parts; darting and drawing in the muscles; dartings with jerkings; puffiness; itching; better by scratching. Complaints prevailing in inner parts of coldness in; of dust in inner, as in the eyes, bronchial tubes, etc.; of heaviness, of pulsations and of jerks in; parching, pinching and pressing in; sensations of trembling of; dryness of inner parts that are usually moist.
Falling asleep late; complaints preventing; waking too late; concomitant complaints of waking (as a patient may always awaken with a headache, or with some other trouble, or may always feel worse when awakening); waking frequently during the night; sleeps in the early morning. Sleepiness in the morning; in the evening. Sleeplessness in general; before midnight; dreams pleasant; fantastical.
Pulse tremulous; internal chilliness; sense of cold in inner parts; heat with thirst; perspiration in general, of single parts, of forepart of the body; want of perspiration with anxiety: chilliness with heat at the same time; internal chilliness with external heat; heat followed by chilliness. Chills coming at two o'clock in the afternoon.
Aversion to open air; attacks of sick feeling; bleeding from inner parts; erethism of blood (flush); chlorosis; epilepsy; epilepsy without consciousness; tendency to get fat; disposition to strain a part by lifting heavy things; secretion of mucus increased; laxness of muscles; sprains: inflammatory swelling; debility; pricking corns; cystic tumors: polypus (nose, ear, vagina, uterus). Tape worm; worms; ascarides.
These complaints occurring in a leucophlegmatic constitution particularly furnish us with the strongest characteristic.
Affections of the legs; calves; arthritic nodes; limbs drawn together crooked. Cramps in the legs coming on at three o'clock A.M.; bunions on the large toe joint, or on adjoining joint; hands chap from lime water; children can't learn to walk, they won't put their feet on the ground.
In the morning (frequently awakens at three or four o'clock in the morning, and can't get sleep afterwards); before falling asleep; on washing; on stooping down; from suppressed catarrh; worse in children; after coition; in cold, wet weather; after eating; from exertion of the mind (after reading, writing, thinking, etc.); fasting before breakfast; affecting females particularly; when giddy; on ascending (apt to produce giddiness); from loss of fluids; when letting the limbs hang down; from spraining the parts; from lights in general; from light of the sun; from lamp light; looking fixedly at one object; looking upwards; from masturbation; before menstruation; dry food; from milk; from wet poultices; from reading; after sexual excess; while suckling the child; on stretching the affected part; from washing, and water; from getting wet; when writing; when turning the head; from lying on the side; from suppressed perspiration; from lifting; for stone cutters; by pressure of the clothes; from talking.
After breakfast; in the dark; from drawing up the limbs; while lying on the back; after lying down; from loosening the garments; from raising the limbs; on rising from rubbing; from scratching; in dry weather; wiping or soothing with the hands; from being touched.
Remedies following well:
Agar., Bellad., Bismuth, Ipec., Lycop., Natr. carb., Nitr. ac., Nux vom., Pulsat., Sarsap., Sepia, Sulphur.
Bryon., Nitr. ac., Nux vom.


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