domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2008


We may draw many important symptoms from the action of this wind-flower. For, as the flower bobs about with every breath of wind, and changes its position constantly, so do the symptoms which are characteristic of the drug. The pains constantly change their location, flying from one part to another; sometimes existing with intense severity, then suddenly becoming very mild, and vice versa; the diarrhœic stools change their character constantly, no two being alike, etc.
This remedy is particularly applicable for complaints which are found to occur in patients of a mild, yielding, or good-natured disposition; also in those who by their sickness, or naturally, are very easily excited to tears,--they are very apt to burst into tears whenever spoken to, or when they attempt to speak, as in giving their symptoms, etc. Affections of the mind in general; covetous; mistrustful; absent-minded; low-spirited.
Affections in general appearing on the cornea; margins of the eyelids; dimsightedness, with a sensation as though there was something over the eye, which the patient wishes to rub away; amaurosis; cataract.
Tinkling in; hard hearing; otalgia which comes and goes, the pain is sometimes better and sometimes worse, may be accompanied by high fever, etc.; discharge from, one or both, which may come on after measles or any other disease, or may occur spontaneously; hardness of hearing as though the ears were stopped up.
Epistaxis; imaginary smells; old catarrh; often find a profuse discharge of greenish mucus every morning, in mild, pleasant persons; catarrh of, accompanied by special discomfort in the house, can't breath well in a warm room, and experiences great relief by going out into the open air.
Taste bitter; fatty; offensive; putrid; saltish; sour; sweetish; lost; in colds where there is entire loss of taste. Vomiting in general; of bile; of slimy matter.
Diarrhœa, particularly when it is very changeable, and no stools are alike; flatus very fetid, sometimes obstructed, causing much pain. Stools acrid; bloody; green; composed of mucus; may contain tape-worm; hæmorrhoids; diarrhœa during menses, particularly if it comes on at night.
Very scanty; bloody; with mucus; reddish; involuntary discharge of; incontinence of, in bed at night, especially in mild-tempered, tearful people, and in children; complaints before making water, and during: when going to urinate there is a sensation as if it would gush away, and they can scarcely wait. Region over the bladder very sensitive to pressure.
Female: Affections in general of the female genital organs; of the uterus. Pain like labor pain. After-pains, in females of a mild disposition. Menstruation too late; too short; too scanty; suppressed, especially if produced by getting the feet wet; delay of first menses, in mild, gentle girls, low-spirited, etc.; complaints before menstruation and during; menstrual colic; diarrhœa during menses, etc. Leucorrhœa in general; thick; burning; looking like milk, especially frequent in lochial discharges where the flow looks like milk. Scanty supply of milk. Affections of the nipples.
Cough in general; loose; with expectoration in the morning, without expectoration in the evening; with expectoration in the day, without expectoration at night. Expectoration bloody; green; yellow; with bitter taste; with greasy taste; offensive taste; salty taste.
Chilblains, particularly when they turn blue. Exanthema chapped; like measles; rubeola. Blue-black swellings. Ulcers with burning or biting in circumstance; deep or fistulous; with redness extending far around: where there is much swelling around.
Falling asleep very late; complaints preventing sleep; waking frequently at night; sleeplessness before midnight; when sleeping with the arms over the head exists as a symptom; anxious dreams of fatal accidents.
Chilliness of one side only; chilliness without thirst, often followed by fever without thirst; heat on one side; perspiration on one side only; want of thirst; febrile symptoms right side.
Rheumatic pains flying from one part to another; are now in one portion of the body, and suddenly flying off to another. Pain, as if bruised in the inner parts; same in the joints. Sensation of hollowness; of pulsations, knocking or throbbing in inner parts; of extension in size, as if one part, or every part were going too large; of a band around the parts; of buzzing or humming in any part of the body. Jerking or darting pains in outer or inner parts; pain as if sprained in the joints; tension or tightness in the outer parts of joints. Biting or stinging in the skin; itching of the skin unaltered (i.e., not better or worse), by scratching; finger or toe nails painful as if ulcerated.
Affections in general, and of any kind, appearing in the right abdominal ring; right chest; right upper and lower extremity; tongue; increase of saliva; larynx; trachea; nape of the neck; heart and region of the heart; palpitation of the heart, also with anguish; small of the back; shoulder-joints; fingers; legs; shin-bones; calves, particularly when they are swollen, red, and hot; heel; sole of the foot; ball or under part of the toes; knee-joint; bones of the lower extremities; inflammation of the bones in general. Strong desire for open air, making the patient feel better in every way--headache, toothache, earache, cold in the head, etc., all better in the open air, can breathe better, etc. Bleeding from inner parts; congestion of blood to single parts; apparent deficiency of blood. Chlorosis (in mild, quiet, etc., dispositions). Secretion of mucus increased; nervous debility. Varicose veins, even when inflamed, especially when blue, particularly in pregnant females, which feel more comfortable when walking about.
In the afternoon; in the evening before midnight; from mental affections; on waking; when blowing the nose produces pain in the chest, nose, head, or somewhere else, or a cracking in the ears; before falling asleep; during expiration; after taking cold; from change of position; particularly applicable to the female organism; from loss of fluids; from being frost-bitten; while lying down; lying on the left side; on the painless side; lying with the head low; having the measles; after the measles; before and during menstruation; from suppressed menstruation; on beginning to move; from taking bread; butter; buckwheat; fat food; fruits; ice; pancakes; warm food; abuse of Peruvian bark; can't bear pressure on the well side, if it be made toward the diseased side; in the room, particularly a warm room; from derangement of the stomach; during stool, particularly in dysentery if it gives great pain in the small of the back; while suckling the child; in the sun; in the twilight or evening; before, or during, or after urinating; women in confinement; from having a tape-worm; from surgical injuries in general; from tobacco; during pregnancy.
In the open air; in a cold place; from cold air; lying on right side; with head high; from moving; on rising from bed; from cold things; when walking in the open air; from washing; on wetting the affected parts; after discharge of flatus.
Remedies following
Arsen., Bellad., Bryon, Ignat., Lycop., Nux vom., Phosphor., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur.
Coffea. Sometimes Chamom., Ignat., Nux vom.



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